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The Compassion Fund
in honor of larry mcelvain
Larry McElvain - Founder

Discovery Counseling Center began in 2002 as South Valley Christian Therapy Association, a small group of therapists dedicated to helping their community. Larry MCElvain became Executive Director in 2008 with a fresh vision and changed our name to Discovery. Discovery has grown out of Larry's dream to provide a counseling center that doesn't stop helping people at our doors, but reaches out into the community. Larry was passionate about making counseling and education available to all, no matter their circumstances.
Larry's drive to serve the community was limitless. Serving in Leadership Morgan Hill, he helped to start the Community Asset Builder's team, Morgan Hill Values Youth Fair, and Suicide Prevention team. He also served as Chaplain for the Morgan Hill Police Department. He started the Celebrate Recovery and Stephen's Ministry programs at Morgan Hill Bible Church and served as Interim Pastor.
Larry's passion to help youth and local families resulted in founding The Bridge Program at Eden and EAH Housing, providing academic and socio-emotional assistance low-income families, as well as Discovery partnerships with Morgan Hill and Gilroy School Districts providing Life Skills and on-site counseling to students and staff.
Larry was an inspiring mentor, and a dear friend to many. His life has impacted thousands of people. His attitude of selfless giving was a reflection of his faith. We are grateful for his legacy of service to the community will continue through Discovery.
The Compassion Fund has been created in honor of Larry, as a continuation of Larry's dream to provide services to people from all walks of life. Donations will help to provide low to no- cost services for those who need a helping hand.
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