Anger - a Valuable Emotion Essential to our Existence

When we perceive something is a threat to us it generates angry feelings. It is appropriate and necessary to protect ourselves from harm or danger, so experiencing anger in response to a perceived threat is appropriate. Unfortunately our perceptions are not always accurate, so we must be careful as human beings to take the time necessary to confirm our perceptions, before acting, when that is possible.
Anger is also a feeling. The body releases several chemicals when we perceive a threat. We are actually “feeling” the effects of those chemicals in our brains and bloodstream. Most of what we feel is adrenalin , which is a valuable chemical in the body when we are in danger for adrenalin provides the strength and endurance we need to protect ourselves or to fight back when in danger.
When we feel angry we need to select how we want to respond. Whe we select an appropriate response to the threat then our response results in good, but when we use unhealthy or inappropriate ways to address threats it can damage relationships, and ourselves as well.
If you find yourself using unhealthy or inappropriate ways to deal with your anger then counseling can be a great resource to help you find alternative ways of addressing your anger. Some things you will learn are:
You will become more aware of your feelings and behaviors.
You will learn how to take responsibility for your emotions and responses.
You will learn that what you say to yourself will determine how you think and feel. It is a choice.
You will learn to not take responsibility for people and other things that you do not have control over.
You will develop resources and a support system that encourages the positive changes in you and in your life.
You will learn the value of simple self-care behaviors. Eat, sleep and exercise well. People who take care of themselves feel better about who they are, have more energy, and are more likely to be happy.
You will develop positive alternative responses to counter the anger responses, then practice rehearsing the new responses.
You will learn to keep a journal to track and reinforce change. A journal will also clarify issues that require further problem solving, or dysfunctional patterns which are keeping you from the progress and change that you desire.
Bottom-line. You will discover a new you that you like and feel better about, and a new power to use your anger only when it is healthy to do.
Want to learn more? Give us a call or make an appointment with one of our qualified therapists today!
Larry McElvain, Founder, Discovery Counseling Center
October 27, 2020