Men - Win Your Wife's Heart By Giving Her Your's

Words are cheap, but action is traction.
Learn to say "I Love You" without words.
For the next 10 days commit to doing 1 caring thing for your wife each day. Here are some ideas:
Take her car to the gas station and fill it for her.
Wash a load of clothes while she is out shopping. Have them neatly folded and laying on the bed when she gets back.
Make her coffee while she is still a sleep and bring it to her bedside.
Vacuum the house while she is gone.
Wash the dishes after dinner.
Make dinner before she gets home.
Run a bubble bath for her and prepare the room with warm towel and perfumed bath oil.
But that's not all.
The secret to making the message an "I Love You" message is to do the caring act when she is not there to watch you AND to leave a card next to your handiwork that communicates what you want to say.
You can make up your own cards if you wish or you can buy a set of 10 cards (1 for each day). Each card is approximately 4"x4". Do 1 task each day for ten days and your wife will be convinced that she is number one in your life.
To order a set of cards fill-in the following information. The cards will be mailed to you along with a $10 invoice.
If you would rather pick cards up at the office schedule at pick up time so that someone is available to help you.
Want to learn more? Give us a call or make an appointment with one of our qualified therapists today!
Larry McElvain, Founder, Discovery Counseling Center
November 2, 2020