The Month of Love, Romance, and Friendship

When we think of love, we need to think of friendship -- whether it is being a friend with God, our mate, children, best friend, or a casual friend. Friends are a gift from God. God has wired us to be relational with Himself and with others. To me, the essential qualities of friendship can best be wrapped up in the CASEfactor . . .
C - communication – We communicate with far more than just words – what about your actions, your body language, facial expressions? Communication also includes a willingness to share our thoughts and feelings with another (to be vulnerable) and to allow another to share their thoughts and feelings with us (time, caring). Sometimes it is just being willing to talk about the ordinary things of life. It may mean a willingness to confront lovingly.
A – acceptance – Allowing my friend to be who they are and allowing them to have their own thoughts and opinions without judgment. You may not agree with their viewpoint, but can you care enough to allow your friend to express whatever they need to, be who they are, feel what they need to feel and yet accept them unconditionally?
S – security – Can you make a commitment to the relationship – extend loyalty to your friend in the face of adversity? Do you respect each other? Do you remain courteous to each other in the face of familiarity? Do you HONOR each other?
E – emotional experiences – Great relationships require us to spend time together, both quantity and quality. You cannot have quality without quantity. There has to be common experiences, memories made that may last a lifetime. We need to be there in the crisis of another’s life and together in common crisis. Ways to say “I care” include not only our times together, but what about that phone call just to see how the other is doing instead of only when you need something. Have you sent an encouraging e-mail or card lately? What things are important to your friend? What kind of books do they like to read, their favorite flower, their favorite sport, or perhaps their favorite activity? Be a student of your friend.
God Gave Us One Another
God gave us the seasons – each with its own beauty and reason, each meant to bring us a blessing, a joy, and a feeling of love.
God gave us the sunshine, the rainbow and the rain, the beauty and freedom of nature to teach us the wisdom of gentle acceptance.
God gave us miracles in our hearts and lives, little things that happen to remind us we’re alive.
God gave us the ability to face each new day with courage, wisdom, and a smile from knowing that whatever sorrow or pain we face, He abides with us securely in our hearts.
Most of all, God gave us one another to teach us about love and guide us through this world, always available to help us forward toward a greater understanding and a greater sharing and giving of love.
~ Regina Hill ~
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Jean Galica
November 2, 2020